Rugby school japan

Our Philosophy

For over 450 years, Rugby has developed a quantum model – a style of education and educational ethos, focused on the academic, spiritual, and artistic growth of pupils who cultivate courage and are not afraid of failure. The formation of character runs in parallel with the growth of a pupil’s personal network, and propensity for collaboration during their school days and beyond.

RSJ continues this tradition of holistic education, emphasising not only on academic rigour and creative pedagogy, but also the co-curricular enrichment of all pupils – offering a learning experience that extends beyond the classroom and into all facets of life. The mental and physical wellbeing of pupils is paramount. At RSJ, collaborative teamwork and shared vision is as important as individual achievement. We aim to develop grounded and authentic people, who as part of an integrated community of Rugbeians, will contribute towards a better future locally and globally.

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Rugby school japan

The Whole Person

At Rugby School Japan the Whole Person is the Whole Point. We want all of our pupils and staff to feel rooted in the community of Rugby, so that it is a place in which they can form deep and long-lasting friendships, pursue interests through which they can better understand themselves, and become equipped with the values which mean they can change the world for the better.

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Rugby school japan

Message from
the Principal

Tony Darby

Welcome to Rugby School Japan. It is my great pleasure to be establishing this groundbreaking school. During my life as a British boarding school teacher and senior leader – 14 years of which were spent at Rugby UK – I have witnessed the profound impact that education can have on young people. Rugby School Japan will be a very special school, carrying on the traditions of our 450-year history, and pioneering academic and pastoral life in the 21st century.

This website is designed to provide prospective families and student with an exciting sneak preview into boarding school life and a taster of the academic and extra-curricular specialisms to be offered at Rugby School Japan. We hope you will join us on this very special journey.


Senior Leadership Team

  • Tony Darby
    Tony Darby


  • Simon Palferman
    Simon Palferman

    Deputy Principal Pastoral

  • Laura Bispham
    Laura Bispham

    Deputy Principal Academic

  • Kaz Futawatari
    Kaz Futawatari

    Director of Co-Curricular & Partnerships

Rugby School Japan

Global Network


Rugby School Japan is proud to be part of the Rugby School Group, an international network of pupils, teachers and senior leaders united by one ethos: Whole Person, Whole Point. RSJ pupils will immediately join a global community of Rugbeians who aspire to academic excellence and enjoy entry to the world’s leading universities. Rugbeians enjoy an outstanding reputation for sport, music, drama, art and extra-curricular activities.

Pupils from Rugby School Japan, Rugby School Thailand and Rugby UK will collaborate throughout the seasons, via digital and in-person global exchange programmes. Rugby’s historic House system lies at the heart of its reputation for exceptional pastoral care. Rugbeians dine in their Houses and are loyal to their groups, developing lifelong friendships during their time at Rugby and afterwards, as part of Rugby’s extensive alumni network.

Rugby School

Brief History


Rugby School is one of the oldest independent schools in Britain. Located in Warwickshire, the School was founded in 1567 by Lawrence Sheriff, purveyor of spices to Queen Elizabeth I, as a Free Grammar School for the boys. By 1667 Rugby was acquiring a name for scholarship and it developed rapidly under a series of outstanding masters. The School moved from the middle of Rugby town to occupy a manor house on the present site of School House in 1750.

Towards the end of the 20th century, the school once favoured by England’s monarchs became co-educational.

The first international Rugby School was opened in Thailand in 2017.

Rugby School Japan continues the tradition of excellence and innovation and is proud to be the second international school in the Group. RSJ is international in outlook and recruitment, welcoming boys and girls from all over the region and the world.