Welcome to RSJ
Rugby School Japan is proud to be the premier British boarding school in the greater Tokyo area. Families interested in becoming a part of our vibrant community are invited to register by clicking the link below.
Join us for an Open Day to explore our exceptional facilities, meet our dedicated staff, and learn more about our enriching curriculum. Register now to experience first-hand how we nurture talent and foster a lifelong love of learning in every pupil.
Rugby School Japan is proud to be the premier British boarding school in the greater Tokyo area. Families interested in becoming a part of our vibrant community are invited to register by clicking the link below.
Rugby School Japan was proud to partner with Kashiwa City in celebrating its 70th anniversary by hosting “Try the future Kashiwa-no-ha at Rugby School Japan” on Saturday, October 26th. This special event welcomed local elementary school…
In an interview with Toyokeizai Online, RSJ founder Fei-Fei Hu talks about British Education and how it can have a positive impact on the children’s livesk as well as on education in Japan. Part 1 A…
In a recent investigation, our Year 12 student, Ryunosuke Kusakari, sought to determine the water potential of beetroot, which is a measure of the potential for water to leave a solution. Water Potential and Cells Water…